Choose How Customers Access your WiFi

Your hotspot provides three different access choices. Do you want your customers to have unfettered access? Or is it pay-to-surf, with a time limit? You choose - it's all configurable via your Logic Hotspot cloud account - and any changes you make are implemented within minutes.


woman with a laptop

EasyAccess was designed to make accessing the Internet as simple for your customers as it is for you to manage. No tickets, codes or passwords required. You can also determine what they see when they first connect.... how long they are allowed on for... and how long before they are allowed back on.

Coupon Management

Bring them back to your till for more time and more sales by using the coupon system. You can limit the time your customers have access to the internet, with a coupon provided with purchase. This takes the pressure off you or your staff dealing with ”long-time sitters”.

Let the software be the reminder that a purchase is required for more access time.

(Fun fact: some of our clients don't require an additional purchase for a second coupon - but report that 70% of the time their customers purchase something anyway.)

man with laptop

Hybrid System

young woman with cellphone

Get the best of both systems, EasyAccess and Coupon Management. Give your customers a predetermined amount of free time to check their email, social media or what-have-you. You decide how long.

Once the free time is up they will be notified that they have to get a coupon for additional time. Protect bandwidth from WiFi squatters, while offering your customers a chance to connect.

All access methods provide the following benefits:

Ability to update login page

Manage multiple units through your online account

Usage statistics reporting

System provides at least double firewall security


Ability to change redirect of portal page

Manage browsing session "between time" to discourage WiFi squatting

Terms of Use page

Commercial-grade routers

Brand building and consistency